JCD Editor-in-Chief Application

The key duties of the Editor-in-Chief are as follows:

  • Manage the review of submitted manuscripts
  • Manage journal communications with authors, reviewers, publisher, and other interested parties
  • Serve as the principal point of contact between the ISCD and Elsevier, the publisher, for production-related matters
  • Appoint associate editors and an editorial board whose collective expertise spans the topics covered in the journal
  • Become and remain current with publisher-provided tools to support journal and content integrity
  • Chair an annual meeting of the editorial board and additional meetings of the editors as necessary to report on journal status and plan strategies to maximize journal impact
  • Undertake initiatives such as special issues and invited content to maximize journal status and advance the ISCD's mission
  • Report annually to the ISCD Board of Directors on journal operations
  • Manage and operate within the budget adopted by the Board of Directors
  • The position is budgeted to receive an honorarium of $24,000/year via a renewable annual contract
Interested applicants will need a current curriculum vitae in either PDF or Word Format and be ready to answer the following four questions in the application:
  • What is your vision for the journal over the next 3-5 years?
  • Who would you wish to recruit for associate editor and editorial board positions? You don't need to have their agreement at this point, but it is necessary to pick your desired team and explain why you are assembling this team.
  • What have you Identified as the journal's main challenges, and how would you address them?
  • What support do you require from the ISCD to serve effectively in this role?
Applications are due by October 31, 2024.

Step 1 of 3

Your Personal Information

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