Congratulations to our 2025 ISCD Award Recipients

We are pleased to announce our 2025 ISCD Award Recipients and to recognize their contributions to the field of skeletal health assessment.  These remarkable individuals were nominated by fellow ISCD members for their leadership, expertise and outstanding service to ISCD and our mission. The announcement of ISCD Awardees has been a milestone event for the Society since 1996 and a highlight of the Society’s Annual Business Meeting where our Awardees are recognized formally with an ISCD plaque. Our 2024 ISCD Award Recipients were recognized with this year’s awardees at our Annual Business Meeting on February 21 in Boston, MA.

Dr. Paul Miller ISCD Service Award
Presented for distinguished service and dedication to the ISCD

2025 Award presented to:
 John T. Schousboe, MD, PhD, CCD
J. Schousboe

Dr. Schousboe is a rheumatologist and health services researcher who directs the bone densitometry center of Park Nicollet Clinic, a large integrated health care delivery system in Minneapolis, MN. He is a Past President of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) and a Fellow of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR). During a 16-year research career he has been an author on 200 peer-reviewed publications, the far majority of which have been in the field of diagnosis and management of osteoporosis. His contributions to science include development of a cost-effectiveness model that was used to conduct studies of the cost-effectiveness of bone densitometry in men and subgroups of older women and men defined by prevalent vertebral fracture, bone turnover marker levels, and bone density level; studies of the accuracy, prevalence, and clinical impact of vertebral fracture recognition on bone density lateral spine images; studies of medication adherence to osteoporosis therapies; studies of the identification and clinical significance of abdominal aortic calcification on lateral bone density spine images; and predictors of health care utilization and costs using Medicare Claims data.

Dr. John P. Bilezikian ISCD Global Leadership Award
Presented for distinguished service and leadership in the global
promotion of the field of bone densitometry and the ISCD

2025 Award presented to:
Asma Aljaberi, MD, ArBIM, CCD

Dr. Asma Aljaberi is a consultant endocrinologist at Tawam Hospital and Sheikh Tahnoon Bin Mohammed Medical City and an adjunct assistant professor at the College of Medicine and Health Sciences (CMHS), UAE University (UAEU). She graduated from the CMHS at UAEU, completed her residency at Tawam Hospital, and obtained board certification in Internal Medicine from the Arab Board of Internal Medicine (ArBIM) in 2011. Dr. Aljaberi pursued a fellowship in Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolism at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA (2014-2017), where she also received advanced training in osteoporosis and bone metabolism and earned the Certified Clinical Densitometrist (CCD) certification from ISCD. She additionally holds the UK Subspecialty Certification in Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism and the European Board of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism (EBEEDM). Furthermore, she completed a one-year fellowship in CKD-MBD.

Dr. Aljaberi is recognized for her innovative leadership and expertise in osteoporosis, bone metabolism, obesity, and lipid disorders. She has established pioneering services, including the region’s first CKD-MBD multidisciplinary clinic, and developed clinical guidelines for osteoporosis management in the Abu Dhabi Emirate. Her comprehensive practice addresses complex endocrine disorders, and her impactful research and teaching have significantly advanced patient care and medical education in the UAE.

Personal Photo

ISCD Clinician of the Year Award
Presented to an outstanding clinician for distinguished service to the field of densitometry in the areas of publication, education or leadership.

2025 Award presented to:
Thomas V Paul, MBBS, MD, DNB, PhD

Dr. Thomas V. Paul is an Endocrinologist and is presently working as Professor in the prestigious Christian Medical College, Vellore, a university affiliated teaching hospital in southern India. He has special interest in the field of osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease and has been involved with several research projects pertaining to this field. He has more than 200 publications to his credit and has been a reviewer for several national and international journals. Some of his publications relate to the work on various DXA related applications like BMD, Trabecular bone score (TBS), Proximal hip geometry, Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) and Bone strain Index (BSI) in normal and different diseased cohorts. Many of these research and available data pertaining to DXA scan and its applications are the first in the country. He has been part of formulating Indian guidelines for management of osteoporosis. He has also authored several book chapters related to metabolic bone disease and endocrinology and has been recipient of research grants and orations awarded by the regional medical societies. He has been a PhD guide to students who pursued research in Osteoporosis.

ISCD Clinician of the Year Award
Presented to an outstanding clinician for distinguished service to the field of densitometry in the areas of publication, education or leadership.

2025 Award presented to:
Kristyn Hare MMS, PA-C, CCD

Ms. Hare is a certified physician assistant and clinical densitometrist with special interest in bone health and treatment of osteoporosis. She has over 20 years of clinical experience as a PA, with the last 17 years in Orthopedics including previous roles in pain management, interventional pain and non operative spine care. She has played a leading role in establishing the University of Wisconsin Orthopedics Bone Health clinic including the Fracture Liaison Service (FLS) and Bone Health Optimization (BHO) programs over the last 8 years.   She is the 2024 American Orthopedic Association Andrew Bunta clinician of the year.  She has participated in preparing several publications in the field of Orthopedic Bone Health and has presented on the topic to several different organizations with a focus on helping advanced practice providers develop similar bone health programs.   Ms. Hare earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin in Biochemistry. She completed her Master’s degree in Physician Assistant studies at Midwestern University (Downers Grove, IL).

Kristyn Hare Head shot

Dr. Harry K Genant ISCD Researcher of the Year Award
Presented to an outstanding researcher for distinguished service to the field of densitometry in the areas of publication, education or leadership.

2025 Award presented to:
Nicholas Pocock, MB, BS, MD, FRACP
A_Prof Nicholas Pocock

Nicholas Pocock graduated in medicine from Sydney University in 1978. In 1987 he became a Fellow of the RACP and in 1989 completed a Doctorate in Medicine under Prof John Eisman looking at the genetic contribution to bone mass. He is currently a Senior Staff Specialist in the Department of Nuclear Medicine at St Vincent’s Hospital, Darlinghurst Sydney, and Assoc Professor at the University NSW. Dr Pocock’s interests include the epidemiology and diagnosis of osteoporosis, and he has over 145 publications.  More recently he has established an Australian interest group looking at the incorporation of AI into clinical practice.  He has previously been a member of the Australian Federal Department of Health advisory Committee on osteoporosis a member of the Federal Bone Densitometry Working group advising on changes to Medicare funding for DXA.   He is currently a member of the ANZBMS, HBA and IOF scientific Advisory committees and the RANZCR Densitometry advisory Committee.

Dr. Oscar S. Gluck ISCD Humanitarian Award
Presented to an ISCD member with a history of contributing to the alleviation of human suffering, protection of life, outstanding service to the community, or the promotion of health in underserved populations

2025 Award presented to:
Manju Chandran, MD, FACP, FACE, FAMS, CCD

Prof Manju Chandran is a Senior Consultant Endocrinologist and Director of the Osteoporosis and Bone Metabolism Unit that she set up at the Singapore General Hospital in 2007 at a time when the field of Bone Metabolism was practically unheard of in Singapore. She is also Clinical Professor at DUKE NUS Medical School, Singapore.

Prof Chandran is the Chair of the Asia Pacific (AP) Panel of the ISCD since 2023 and has been an active member of the ISCD and a Certified Clinical Densitometrist since 2003.

As the founding Chairperson of the Asia Pacific Consortium on Osteoporosis (APCO), Professor Chandran leads experts from 23 countries in an effort to standardize osteoporosis care across the region. Under her leadership, APCO developed the APCO Framework, the world’s first dual-continental set of clinical standards, which now guides national osteoporosis guidelines in many countries, including those with low and middle incomes. This Framework ensures that underserved populations have access to the best available care. Professor Chandran’s visionary leadership led to the creation of the APCO Collective Intellect Clinical Case Discussion Platform (CICCDP), which allows clinicians across Asia to share expertise on complex metabolic bone cases. She also spearheaded the development of a peer-to-peer educational platform and a Bone Health Quality Improvement Tool Kit, both of which are freely accessible and designed to improve global osteoporosis care.

7 Manju Chandran (rename)

She is  immediate past Chairperson of the Chapter of Endocrinologists, College of Physicians, Academy of Medicine, Singapore; an elected Council Member of the Committee of Scientific Advisors and Board Member of the IOF as well as Steering Committee member of its CTF Governance; Past President of the Endocrine and Metabolic Society of Singapore (EMSS), Acting Chair of the Asia Pacific Regional Advisory Council of the IOF, Vice Chair of the Asia Pacific Panel of the ISCD, and Secretary  of the Osteoporosis Society of Singapore. She has won a multitude of international awards, including the  most prestigious of the IOF awards- the 2021 Olof Johnell Science Award –an award given to a distinguished medical professional and researcher who has an outstanding record of achievements in education, research and policy implementation within the bone and musculoskeletal field, the IOF-CNS (Committee of National Societies) Medal of Excellence 2015; the IOF-World Congress on Osteoporosis International Young Investigator Award 2013, the Singapore General Hospital Most Inspiring Mentor Award for 2021, the Singhealth DUKE NUS Most Caffeinated Researcher Award 2020, and multiple Service with a Heart Awards conferred by Singapore General Hospital.

OPTIMAL (Osteoporosis and Patient Targeted and Integrated Management for Active Living)- the Secondary Fracture Prevention and Fracture Liaison Service she set up at Singapore General Hospital was the 3rd in the world and the 1st in the Asia Pacific to win the Gold Star in the International Osteoporosis Foundation’s Capture the Fracture Global Map of Best Practice in 2015. She has single handedly raised the standards of bone densitometry in Singapore over the last 20 years. She has conducted numerous other workshops on Bone Densitometry in the region on her own time including workshops specially targeted to trainees.

Dr Chandran’s research and clinical interests include the epidemiology and health economic burden of osteoporosis, rare bone disorders, secondary osteoporosis, metabolic bone disorders, diabetes and bone health and parathyroid disorders. She has more than 200 publications. In addition to her clinical and research achievements, Professor Chandran is a tireless advocate for public education. She founded WISHBONE, Singapore’s only osteoporosis support group, and since2007, she has single-handedly organized annual public forums on osteoporosis, which have become a fixture in Singapore’s healthcare landscape.