ISCD recently celebrated its 30th Anniversary as professional association dedicated to advancing high quality musculoskeletal health assessment in the service of superior patient care at our Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL. Expert Speakers from around the globe, some of whom have been a part of the organization since its inception, presented the latest information in the research, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and advances in bone densitometry and osteoporosis.
In addition to the Annual Meeting themed, “Innovations in Skeletal Health: 30 Years & Going Strong,” we successfully launched a brand new course in Chicago – ISCD Orthopedic Osteoporosis and Densitometry Course. This initial offering was led by expert faculty members who helped to design the course, Doctors Paul Anderson, MD, Joon-Kiong Lee, DSPN, DJN, MBBS, FRCS, MS Ortho. AM, CCD and Neil Binkley, MD, CCD. We will be sharing additional virtual future offerings on our website soon.
Finally, we celebrated our 2023 ISCD Award Recipients at our Annual Business Meeting held in-person for the first time in four years on March 31. Since 1996, the International Society for Clinical Densitometry has honored our industry’s best with the ISCD Awards. Through these awards, ISCD recognizes those who have distinguished themselves through their work, volunteer service, charitable contributions and leadership in the field of densitometry and to the ISCD. More information about our 2023 ISCD Award recipients can be found here.