2025 ISCD Board Nominations

The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) is accepting nominations for President-Elect, Vice President, Treasurer, Marketing/Communication/Membership Chair, Education Council Chair, and UK/Ireland Regional Panel Representative to the Board.
Only Professional and Full Members of the ISCD are eligible for nomination (Self-Nominations accepted and encouraged).
Click here to view the position descriptions.

  • Email of person submitting nomination
  • Full Name required and the person must be an ISCD member.
  • Email of the person being nominated for the position. They will receive a copy of this nomination to verify they consented to running for the position.
  • Please select the office for which you are nominating a person. If nominating a person for multiple positions, please complete one form for each position.
  • Those submitting a nomination are required to obtain consent from the person being nominated that they agree to serve in the capacity nominated should they be elected.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.