ISCD'S 2025 Conference in Boston Website

ISCD offers Local Organizing Committees the opportunity to license and offer specific ISCD educational programs. Additional information including the license agreement will be provided to the requesting party upon submission and review of this form.

The finalized LOC agreement shall be confined to a single offering of the specified ISCD educational program and shall be extended solely with the intent to license ISCD educational resources to the LOC for the duration of that offering. ISCD charges an administrative fee per educational course offering (see course list below), due at the time of application. All expenses incurred in the presentation or offering of the course are the responsibility of the LOC.

  • Name of the organization that will be sponsoring the course.
  • Course

  • Please choose the course(s) you are requesting to host.
  • Date you plan to offer the course (mm/dd/yyyy).
  • Please enter in 24-hour clock format.
  • Faculty

  • Must be an ISCD member. This person appoints all other faculty for the course.
  • At least one faculty member instructing the course must be ISCD certified. This can be the same person as the Lead Faculty, or another faculty member. Please enter the name of the faculty member who is ISCD certified.
  • Please list all proposed course faculty members. Include name, credentials, and organization affiliation.
  • Please upload a document containing a brief biography for each proposed faculty member.
    Max. file size: 16 MB.
  • Administration

  • Enter the full name of the Administrative Contact for the course(s). This is the person who will receive all communication and course material from ISCD.
  • Enter LOC Administrative Contact Mailing Address.
  • Enter LOC Adminstrative Contact telephone number.
  • Enter LOC Administrative Contact email address. All correspondence will be sent to this address.
  • Payment

  • Would you like ISCD to list this course in our calendar of events on our website?
  • Please enter any comments, questions, or request for additional information in this area.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.